Post Vault


Scooter Nightmare

This whole holiday season, as I lay up on the couch with my boo watching reruns and holiday specials T-Mobile kept running their "Orgy Wonderland" commercial, well, 4G, but everyone agrees that it sounds like OR-G. I'd always laugh, without fail, at the poor little sap elf who barks "scooter" into the smart phone held by the much-taller, young beauty-of-a-spokes-girl, the kind that wouldn't seriously consider going out with this tiny guy in a million years. And here he is donning a cute little pink mustache and matching outfit, selling himself out to a role of an elf until next Christmas, when he'll be in demand again.

Or, maybe I was reading too much into the damn commercial.

Either way I laughed at this little guy. This is what I must have pictured every time I chuckled at his scooter bit. Watch in HD!


  1. I don't know which is more disturbing, the commercial, or the fact you took the time to edit it into a 2 and a half minute video of pure trip out.

  2. Ha! This is what I call "The Quintessential YouTube Video"; it's perfectly entertaining for the amount of time, reference to pop culture, catchy music,and overall absurdity. There's nothing I would change about it. It's perfect. Now I can die. The end.


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